Preparing Your Plumbing for Your Holiday Travels

Winter is a popular time for travel, with nearly 100 million Americans going to visit family during the holiday season each year.  If you happen to be hosting a large family gathering, one thing you may not think twice about is your home’s plumbing system. With all the extra usage due to cooking large meals, having relatives take showers or …

Five Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Plumbers at One Time

You probably think of plumbers as being hard workers who aren’t afraid to use their hands and get a little dirty on the job. That’s kind of the opposite assumption most people make about the famous celebrities of our time. That’s not to say every celebrity was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Many had everyday blue collar …

Winterizing Your Plumbing

Freezing temperatures can destroy your plumbing system from the inside out. Extremely low temperatures can freeze sitting water in your pipes, causing the water to expand. If it expands just enough, your pipes will burst, causing extensive damage. Fortunately there are several different ways you can prepare for cold weather and winterize your pipes to prevent them from bursting. Fix …

Plumbing Leaks, A Pest’s Best Friend

Plumbing leaks are certainly an annoyance, but they can actually cause more problems than you probably realize. In addition to wasting water and causing an irritating dripping sound, plumbing leaks can create a veritable paradise for household pests. You may not like your plumbing leaks, but cockroaches and other pests really love them. Seeing cockroaches and other pests does not …